Sports Summer Camp 2016

Hello Sportsfriends, soon we arrange the Youth Athletics Championships in Karlsruhe. Within the framework program, we offer European youth camp also. Please spread the information to the sports clubs and your acquaintances, website, Facebook. We would be delighted if many will be there to this exchange. We are very looking forward to it, that your

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2nd Deaf Volleyball Champions League (DVCL) 26.-28.11.2015

Live results via: DVCL website: Photo album: Photos day 1 and 2 (included opening ceremony) Photos Final Day Photos DVCL Goodbye Party with Best Players  

EDSO Inspections – Torun 2016

Representative: Ota Pansky TD: Dietmar Marschner EDSO inspection before the European Deaf Indoor Championships in Athletics TORUN’2016 Inspection report is in the website: