12th EC Men and 8th EC Women in Basketball, 16 – 23 October 2021 in Pescara, Italy

08 April 2021: a new, modified EDBC 2021 Bulletin is available here. The organizer’s website is now open: https://www.fssi.it/edbcpescara2021/ and FB profile:@edbcpescara2021

01 March 2021: we are informing all the countries that have applied for the European Deaf Basketball Championships, which will be held in Pescara (Italy) this year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken against it by Italian government, this championship has been postponed several times.

After coordination of all stakeholders (FSSI, EDSO, OC and the city of Pescara), the final date of the championship is now set, from 16 to 23 October 2021.

The final form in which you registered is still valid. There are 7 women’s and 10 men’s teams registered. The Organizing Committee of the championships will report to you additional details about the championship program shortly.

05 December 2020: The Italian Deaf Sport Federation (FSSI) together with the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP), the municipality of Pescara and the Local Organizing Committee accepted this great challenge: organizing the 12th EUROPEAN DEAF BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS.

They wanted to give to our deaf athletes the chance to fulfill their dream of participating in a European competition, saving their right to attend an event awaited for four years with sacrifice, hard training and the pride of representing their country without distinctions of any kind.

Attached documents: