Board Meeting Update (important!), calendar and Holiday wishes

Since becoming General Secretary of EDSO last year, a lot of internal work had to be done, which is why there has not been anything to update the members. For example, there was no filing system for computer files, and finding information to know the work that needed to be done was very difficult. We had to quickly set up a Google Drive area for all EDSO-related papers and championships papers to be saved. Google Drive is a temporary short-term solution: we will be setting up a permanent virtual office using Microsoft Office 365. This will be GDPR compliant and will provide a platform for team working with all those working for EDSO.

To give people an update, below is a summary of the points discussed at the recent EDSO Board meeting:

  1. Technical Directors (TD)

    1. (a)  There are some TDs that have been doing the role for many years. The rules do state that the post will be held for 4 years, but this procedure has not been followed. The Board is now keen to establish an open and fair procedure. So, a TD will be in the role for 4 years only, then an application process will take place. The same TD will be able to apply again.

    2. (b)  To improve the quality of the work done by the TDs, we will be offering training before the next Congress, to make sure that all TDs are aware of their technical responsibilities and Code of Conduct.

  2. Website (WWW)

    The Board is aware that the website is out of date. Important information, for example dates, will be updated this month. The Board has agreed to commission a new website, so the rest of the information will be updated when the new website is launched.

  3. Planning for the Future

    The Board has used the motions collected at the last Congress about the reform of EDSO to write a Strategic Plan of what we want to achieve by 2022. We are also writing a 12-year plan starting in 2022 which will continue the work in the 2-year plan. Consultation about the Strategic Plans will take place at Congress.

  4. Budget

    The board have agreed to introduce budget as part of management accounts. This will help the Board to monitor income and expenditure and forecast finances effectively. Budgets will be set on a 4-year cycle to fit with the 4-year income and expenditure flow due the nature of EDSO work, with yearly budgets that tie into the 4-year planning.

  5. European Championships Reporting

    The Board is creating a template for reports from TDs and Representatives on European Championships, so the information we receive is standard for each sport and useful to the Board for the comparison of statistics. How to report will be included in the TDs training.

  6. Football Championship

    After the negative publicity from the 2019 European Deaf Football Championship in Crete last June, the Board has commissioned an independent report so we can learn from the events, by improving the understanding of role boundaries and dealing better with conflicts of interest, to ensure the same problems do not happen in the future.

  7. Congress 2020

    As you probably know, 2020 will be the year of the next EDSO Congress! The board and the organising committee are now preparing the Congress, which will take place from 24th – 25th July 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
    Please be reminded that there are a few deadlines:

    • –  If a member federation would like to propose changes to the constitution, these need to be handed in to the Board 6 months before the Congress starts (24th January 2020).

    • –  If a member federation would like to propose a candidate for the board, or wants to submit a question to the Board, these need to be handed in to the Board 4 months before the Congress starts (24th March 2020).

      Please find below a timeline before the Congress.



6 months before

Alterations to the constitution submitted to Executive Committee

4 months before

All applications and questions to be submitted to Congress by affiliated members must be sent to the Secretariat of EDSO.

4 months before

The names of the candidates for the Executive Committee submitted by affiliated members/Executive Committee (with support and approval of their national federation)

2 months before

Congress papers to be sent to members

1 month before

Names of delegates of members to be shared with the Secretary General (to establish if there is a quorum)



8. Merry Christmas!

Finally, the Board would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Should a member federation would like to propose a change to the constitution (see summary of the latest Board Meeting for more information), they can use the form attached. This is only for proposals to changes in the constitution. The proposal form for any other changes will be sent at the end of January.

Attached documents: